

Danbury is on Spur 28 two miles off State Highway 35 and five miles northeast of Angleton in Brazoria County. Until the coming of the Missouri Pacific Railroad in 190506 this area was populated only by a few ranchers and farmers. The railroad gave access to hundreds of acres of rich farmland that had previously been almost inaccessible, and several towns grew up along the route. It is said the railroad construction workers gave the town its name in honor of D. J. "Uncle Dan" Moller, an area rancher who often entertained them at night with music and tall tales. Other sources say it was named for a Daniel T. Miller. Land promoters bought up large tracts and advertised in the North and Midwest. Settlers began to arrive, and a hotel was built to accommodate them. A demonstration farm garden was planted. Businesses began to open, including a general store, in which a post office was established in 1909.


Danbury, Texas

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