
It's easy to understand why Longview offers an authentic East Texas experience.

Longview is full of friendly folks and is a small city that is very BIG ON SERVICE! That's the nature of Real East Texas Living.

Take a deeper look at Longview and you'll discover that we're more than piney woods. Drop by for a visit and you find friendly folks who'll help you connect to fun and relaxation. Sure we have pines, but our oaks, maples, sweet gum, honey locust and red cedar provide a beautiful springtime through summer and can blaze with fall color well into November some years.

Our rolling hills are a favorite for travelers of all kinds, whether they ride two, three or four wheels, on the road or off.

In Gregg County you can find the occasional cowboy on a horse, but you're more likely to come across an angler in a boat or an executive on a "hog."

Festivals are a favorite attraction for Longview with the Outdoor Expo kicking off the year each January, Party in the Pines Motorcycle Rally on Memorial Day weekend followed by May's AlleyFest and the Great Texas Balloon Race in July. Other special events include Freeze Your Fanny bike ride, the Longview Kennel Club's annual AKC Dog Show, Cinco de Mayo, and Zonta Antique Show and Sale.



Longview, Texas


Longview Logo

410 North Center Streeet
Longview, Texas 75601

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