- Anzalduas County Park and Dam -

Anzalduas County Park is a well-manicured multi-use park with one of the most significant stands of mature Rio Grande Ash and Live Oak in the Valley. This park has attracted an incredible array of rarities, including nesting Gray Hawk, Hook-billed Kite, Rose-throated Becard, Northern Beardless-Tyrannulet, Clay- colored Robin, and Tropical Parula. Zone-tailed Hawk has occurred during recent years (various seasons), and a number of neotropical migrants (Black-throated Green, Black-throated Gray, Hermit, and Black-and-white warblers) have wintered here. There is simply no way to predict what new Texas or U.S. species will appear at Anzalduas, so be sure to check it (even daily!) while you visit the Valley.


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